How do I get paid?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

View, filter & export rewards

In the top half of your Rewards & Withdrawals tab, you will see your "Available funds" and "Projected earnings" cards.

Available funds:

Your "Available funds" card displays the rewards that are currently available to withdraw and gives you the option to connect a payout provider. If you have not yet linked a payment provider, please see our Adding a payment provider support guide.

To view the rewards that make up your available funds, click "View rewards" at the bottom of the card. This will automatically update the "Reward status" filter in the chart below to "Available to withdraw".

Projected earnings:

Your "Projected earnings" card allows you to filter your upcoming rewards by timeframe. Once you have selected a timeframe click "View breakdown" to open a drawer view with more information on your upcoming rewards 

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