How to Build or Create an Email

3 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

 You can find the Email builder under Schedule > Email Hub. 

In the Email hub area you can review and measure your email send results, manage your templates, manage your email sends and view the results of your emails here too.

You can create a new email or design from HTML. To create an email simply follow the steps below: 

1 . Create

  • Click on the Design email button and create a name for your email.
  • You will find a range of email templates in this area, pre-designed for your convenience or alternatively you can create one from scratch . Simply select a template and start to customise it with your content. You can preview the template before selecting or click Use This Template to start.
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  • When you have selected your template, you are now ready to customise with new text and imagery. 
  • When you have finished your design, please Save and Exit. 

2 . Settings

In this second step, you will be required to add the requested information. 

  1. Email Name (This is how it will be saved in your Zym Email Planner)
  2. Email Subject Line ( Avoid spammy words ”free” in the email title)
  3. Sender Name (Person sending/creating the email)
  4. Sender Email Address. Note the domain must match that of the DNS records. 
  5. Reply to Address
  6. Select Physical Address (e.g office location)
  7. Click on Save and Continue 

3 . Recipients

Select the list you wish to send the Email Newsletter to. Alternatively you can create a list directly from this area (you will be redirected to the CRM area to do this). Click Save and Continue.


4 . Send of Schedule

You can now view the summary of your email and send a test email. You can send a test email to up to 5 recipients, this is good practice so you know what the end user will see when they open the email you have created. 


Once you are happy with your email you can then proceed to either send your email immediately or schedule it for a specific date and time. 


What is a HTML File?

HTML is a HyperText Markup Language file format used as the basis of a web page. HTML is a file extension used interchangeably with HTM. ... The HTML tags can be used to define headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, and interactive forms. It can also be used to embed Javascript, and CSS (cascading style sheets).

To send a HTML File simply navigate to the Email Hub > Upload HTML. 

  1. Give your HTML file a name 
  2. Go to your HTML file > right click on it and go to “View Page Source”
  3. Copy the code and paste in the “upload your html” box as shown below
  4. Click on Save HTML
  5. Follow the same steps as the email creation process (Settings > Recipients > Send and Schedule)

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