How to Create and Launch a Web Form

5 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

The purpose of this guide is to provide an understanding of what a web form is, how it can be customised and how can it be launched via the platform.

What is a web form?

The purpose of a web form is to help turn those unknown visitors into leads and contacts, by offering them relevant content, offers, sign up forms etc, that engage their interest. Web forms are made up of a range of form fields customised for your business.

How to create a web form?

To get started – navigate to the “Build” tab and select “Web Forms.” 

You will then be directed to the builder to start customising your web form. You can either select one of your previously created web forms, or we have a selection of templates that you can use.

The builder works in the same way as dthe campaign builder. You can add rows and columns and elements to build a customised form for your web pages.

Building Your Form

Step 1:

Navigate to the Create tab under Web Forms.

Click the 'Get Started' button and name your campaign. 

Turn on/off the campaign collateral to customise your web form as you wish. 

  • Web Form: This is the collateral which will contain the web form on your site. 
  • Post Entry Page: Allows you to offer an instant message to inform users their form was successfully submitted with the chance to offer the download they request or provide an additional call-to action etc.
  • Autoresponder: Works in the same way the post entry works, providing users with a response to let them know you received their request whilst providing additional information or call-to-actions etc. 

You will then be presented with your templates from the design hub to start building your campaign. To select a template, click manage and then use template.

Step 2:

This step will allow you to customise your web fom. 

To start customising your web form, simply hover over the yellow section – and select the pencil tool icon. This will allow you to change the width it appears on your website. 

By selecting the “Style” tab while in the editor – it will allow you to customise the background of the form, this can be either by a solid background colour or an image from the platform library.

The next stage is to start editing your web form elements.

You can add basic elements such as headers, images, links etc.

You can also add a variety of form elements based on contact, company, custom and quick fields, depending on what you would like to capture from your audiences. 

You can also adjust the structure of your forms depending on how you would like it to be displayed on your website, for example, you could have your form fields side by side, (as shown below) this can be done by adding a two-column row and inserting the relevant fields to each.

Once you have completed the design of your web form, select the “Save & Exit”, and continue to design the rest of your collaterals. 

Step 3: Customise Features

  • Lists

Allows you to add those who submit the form straight to a list for further remarketing without having to do any manual work. You can select to add multiple lists here depending on the purpose of the campaign

  • Pipeline

Allows you choose whether your web form leads are sent to the pipeline for the sales team to manage. You can also customise which pipeline, which stage and who the owner would be for these leads.

You can choose not to send leads to the pipeline. You might use this if you have a newsletter sign up and don’t want sales to follow up until they engage further. 

Note: You will be required to have the pipeline tool active in order to use this feature. 

  • Autoresponder

Here is where you can set up your Autoresponder sender details (only if it has been added to the campaign). 

Note: If you do not have the autoresponder designed or if you have not completed the autoresponder details in features – nothing will get sent to the user.

  • Notifications

Here is where you can set up automatic notifications advising your team that a new lead has been registered.

Note: You can add multiple users to be added to the notification, simply add each of email addresses separated by a comma – you can also choose whether you receive the notification in real-time, hourly, 7 am, or 7 pm.

  • Scores

Here is where you can add a score to every lead that is registered via this web form. You can choose from an existing score, create a new score, or apply no score.

Step 4: Publish

If this form can be used throughout multiple pages on your website, it is recommended that you use the same web form campaign but create a new sub-channel for each web page you want to insert on the page.

To get the code for the form you can choose either basic or enhanced.

Basic: Retains the formatting from the campaign.

Enhanced: Matches formatting to your website. 

Step 5: Track & Measure

Here you can view the performance of your campaign and leads generated. 

You can view: 

  • An overview of leads generated over time.
  • A preview of the collaterals you have added to the campaign.
  • An overview of channel performance.
  • An overview of the leads that were generated. 
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