How to use Goals and Scores

4 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Track and allocate lead scores based on your customers' channel activity and contact properties. All new dashboards will have default email goals (open, click and unsubscribe) created and activated. All goals, with the exception of the event goal, are triggered by having the website tracking code on your website- if you haven’t done this yet please head over to the connect area for further instructions.

CRM - Lead scoring

To explore the default Lead scoring that will already be set up for every new customer, click on the CRM and then Lead scoring. This will show you the default scores that are already set up, you will be able to delete or edit these scores within this page.  


Goal Types 


Once you have navigated to the Lead scoring tab in the CRM area settings you will be able to select add a new goal at the top right of your screen.  


Create an event goal for a specific action taken on your website or landing pages, e.g. clicking a watch video button. 


In order to set up your event goal, you’ll need to create a goal category (e.g. button clicks) or select an existing category. Then give it a name and a score based on how much value you place on it and click save. 


As mentioned earlier the event goal is slightly different from the others in that you’ll need to add a separate piece of code to your website in order to trigger it. Once you have created your goal if you click on its name you will see the code snippet you need to add to the desired event – if it’s a button click then the code needs to be placed on the button. We’ve added an option to email this directly to your web developer if you have one. 



Create a goal for anyone who visits a specific page on your website. These goals will be tracked by having our unique visitor tracking code on the website.

As mentioned earlier the event goal is slightly different from the others in that you’ll need to add a separate piece of code to your website in order to trigger it. Once you have created your goal if you click on its name you will see the code snippet you need to add to the desired event – if it’s a button click then the code needs to be placed on the button. We’ve added an option to email this directly to your web developer if you have one.


To set up this goal type you’ll need to give it a name, paste or type of the page and then give it a score.

Please Note: You do not need to enter your full web address.


Create a goal that will be triggered by the number of pages per website visit. These goals will be tracked by having our unique visitor tracking code on the website. 


To set up this goal you’ll need to give it a goal name, set the number of pages visited and give it a score.


Create a goal that will be trigger by a visitors time on your sight. These goals will be tracked by having our unique visitor tracking code on the website. 


To set up this goal you’ll need to give it a name, choose your desired duration and give it a score. 

Segment Goal

Create a goal that will be triggered by a segment of your contact database. This is used for scoring prospects based on their geographic and demographic information.


The setup for this goal is a little different, you’ll give it a name and score as normal however you’ll have the additional choice of who to apply it to; existing contacts, new contacts or both. Once you have chosen the setup you’ll be directed to the segment area to define your parameters. IF you need any help with these, you can check out our FAQ section on the segment tool. 

Additional goals and scores

Outside of the contact area, there are a few other places in the platform that you can create goals and update scores, namely campaign-specific goals, manually updating a contact's score and by using the update score step in our automated journeys. To find out more, you can head to FAQ sections for each area:

  • Journey FAQ
  • Campaign FAQ
  • Contacts FAQ

Viewing goal completions

All goals are tracked and stored against a contact record, and to see those goals simply select a contact and click on the score tab on their timeline. 


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