Setting up Social & Public Intent Signals

3 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Adding your Social and Public Intent Data campaign

To access and set up Social and Public Intent, click on the Intent menu and select either Social or Public as they are set up in the same area.


Once you have clicked either Social or Public, you will see the window below, to set up your campaign, select Settings as below:


Select set up campaign or view and edit if you have already started a campaign, see the window below:


Add your triggers in the boxes as shown below - these are social and public:

  1. Competitve engagements: Add all the competitors and associated businesses here that you want to get data from. (add up to 200 URLs)
  2. Keywords on social, that you wish to track engagement on and get data from. (add up to 200 including popular hashtags you want tracked)
  3. Track public Intent Data on growing a department, this tracks new job roles that match your target personas and returns the data.
  4. Engaged with event: Get data by tracking social engagements on important events in your industry
  5. Bring back data, by tracking publicly available Growth Signals. These are typically signs that a company has received investment and is growing.
  6. Technologies: Publicly available data on new technologies that companies have introduced.


Used together, Social and Public Intent can track Intent Data Signals from your target market, which puts your business at an advantage, in terms of recognising buyers early on in the buying cycle.

Add filters

It is important to add filters, so that the data returned is from the industries, locations that you are focused on and is companies of the correct size. The OTHER tab allows you to return contacts from the companies that engaged that fit your target buyer persona, but didn't make the engagement and only verified emails if that is your preference.

  • Role: Select a job role you would like to target in terms of seniority and department or title.
  • Industry: Select only the industries you are interested in including in your campaign.
  • Size: Choose the company size you are targeting.
  • Location: Choose the location you are targeting companies in, relevant to your target market.

The filters will ensure that the data returned will be highly relevant to your target market.


Review and publish your Intent campaign, it will take about 1 week to start receiving data and you can edit your Intent campaign at any time, remember it may take up to 1 week to see changes take effect.

Set up your Target Persona

To ensure your Intent Data campaign is bringing back only the data from the persona's that you are targeting, it is crucial that you set up a target persona before you start bringing back results. To access it, please click on Intent>settings>target persona. 


Then click on set up or view/edit to add the details of your persona. Add the details as shown below - this will aply across all types of Intent Data, including Website, Topics, Reviews, Social and Public.


View the results of your Intent campaign

Click on Intent>prospects to view all your prospects, from all sources of Intent, or if you want to see individual sources, click on just that type of Intent, if you click on Social, you will see the results of just the Social Intent Data.

Below is an example of the prospects area, the screenshot below shows date, source of Intent, the company name, industry, position in company, the person's name and email address. You can click into each person's name to see the full contact record details.


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