Viewing your campaign leads

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

The section gives you the ability to manage leads from your campaigns in a more effective way, via our Leads area.


With a single view of all your campaign leads in one place, you can see the lead details. 

Lead Details

  • Date - The date the lead was created.  
  • Name - The lead's name entered when they enter their details on your campaign.  
  • Email - The lead’s email address.  
  • Campaign Name - The campaign which the lead engaged with. This is why when creating a campaign, it is important to name the campaign something logical.  
  • URL Name - This is the URL of the Landing Page which they have engaged with.  
  • Status - This refers to the status of the lead in regards to the convert area of the platform. This status is completed when the lead is a deal and is in a pipeline, and will feature a status from the sales pipeline. This status can either be customised within the convert area or be closed, lost or deleted. If the lead is not in a sales pipeline, then this will be blank. 


You are able to filter the leads by engaged date and use the search bar to find a specific lead. 

Download CSV

You can download a CSV file of the leads engaged. The CSV will highlight the date they engaged with your campaign, a URL to their profile on the platform, their name, the campaign they engaged with, the channel they entered the platform via etc. This feature can be used if you are wanting to repurpose the leads gained into a list format. 

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